Is there a full-run and uncut video of the drone demonstration?
Here is the full view of a run by a UT-Dallas UTDesign team of both the pickup and drop-off processes without any camera jumps
Here is the full view of a run by a UT-Dallas UTDesign team of both the pickup and drop-off processes without any camera jumps
Of course, the physical bearing and latch system must be fixed to the drone. The actual attachment will depend on the specific application and other drone design goals, but the system is quite flexible. Our current system includes a switch array that detects engagement and payload presence, so it only needs two logic pins and [...]
The Rotolatch™ was originally designed to be used on a tether or cable. We chose to focus on demonstrating the system on a fixed bearing because we believed it to be both a greater challenge and a more valuable solution. We have a system design for reliably aligning a tethered latch to the hook.
While the Rotolatch™ system can accommodate for substantial misalignment, precision landing with manually controlled, hobby level drones is quite difficult. The cones on the pickup station align the drone to the package upon landing. Slightly more advanced drones can reverse this and put small funnels on the drones with alignment poles protruding for the pickup [...]